The arrival of a new year always makes me reflect on the past 12 months. Where have I been, what have I done, how have I been spending my time. Do the activities that filled my calendar over the past year line up with the values and the principles that I believe in? Have I drawn closer to God this year, or have I allowed circumstances to create distance between us?
2008 was a hard year for a lot of people, us included. But I know I pressed hard toward God this year. And even though it was painful in a lot of ways, it was also one of the most fruitful seasons of personal change I can remember. So, I say that 2008 was a GREAT year, despite its hardships, because I am closer to God than I was this time last year, by far. And that is what matters to me more than anything else. If I can say the same thing next year, then 2009 will be a GREAT year as well!
And so, in keeping with my reflective attitude, how about a little trip down Memory Lane? I thought you might enjoy some old pictures of the girls, in no particular order. I have been looking at old pictures all morning, and here are some of my favorites. I labeled them since they looked so much alike when they were babies. Please to enjoy:
Madeline, circa 1 year

Me, Madeline, and my Grandmother, Madeline circa 3 months
Madeline c. 11 months

Natalie 22 months, Madeline 2 weeks

Natalie c. age 2

Madeline c. 3 months

Natalie c. age 2

Baby Sisters.
(Natalie just turned 2, Madeline is 2 months.)
Love at First Sight. (Natalie is 21 months, Madeline is 1 day.)
These two are the most precious little gifts any parent could ever have the honor and privilege of receiving. They radiate love and joy and expect it in return. I understand the heart of God toward me better than ever because they are in my life. I want to know Him even more so that they will know Him more as well. I love being their mom.
My prayer is that you will fill your 2009 with people and activities that draw you closer to Jesus!!