Friday, December 31, 2010

Hi, I'm Lilah

I am the world's sweetest 7 month old.

I love to eat my fingers.

I adore my big sisters.

I love my fishy teether.

I say "Hiiiiiii!!!" when Mommy comes to get me after nap.

I suck my thumb when I am sleepy.

I am Miss Perpetually Mellow.

I love to scoot around in my Jeep (just like my Mama.)

I love to give slobbery kisses.

I grab everything.

If you give me my blanket, I grab it and go right to sleep.

And sleep for 10 hours. =)

I have the most gorgeous hazel eyes (just like my Daddy.)

I am ALWAYS ready with a smile.

And if you come to visit me, you will fall in love. ♥

Monday, December 27, 2010

Back in business

Unreal.  What has it been, 2 months?! Blogger is still having issues.  So I loaded the photo in the HTML tab beeeeaaaaaaatch!!!!  Stay tuned for some recent pictures, I know you guys are dying for a baby fix!!