As was only appropriate, we christened Big Ben today during the Steeler game against the Saints, with his first adornment with the jersey that bears his name. He was none too thrilled at first, and spent several minutes trying to chew it. Likely because it was almost too small for him. Yes, we are going to have to buy the dog an XXL. He tired quickly of fighting it, and retired to the master suite for a nap. Quickly followed by Baby Bug, who had predetermined that if the jersey fits (or not), then the hat is only the next logical step. I was lucky enough to get this shot of him before he shook it off.

Jesse spent the morning working in the yard and tidying the garage, which meant cleaning out the bunny's cage. Baby sat with the little furball while she contentedly munched on clover in the lawn, and Jesse sprayed out her cage with the hose. Baby refers to this practice as "walking the bunny."
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