As is my habit, I took the girlies to see the Fireworks display that Cartersville puts on every year. Usually, we park waaaaaaaaaay far away in a church parking lot where you can juuuuuuuuust see the fireworks over the trees in the distance. Then, when the show is over, there is a lot less traffic to fight. This year, however, I decided to go right into the Belly of the Beast - and we parked right across the street from Dellinger Park, where they set off the display. With just a few thousand of our closest friends. Thank you Jesus for my wonderful Jeep, which has been nothing but a blessing since day 1. It took a little bit of 4-low to get into (and out of) that spot in the pasture. :) I opened up the back of the Jeep and the girls and I sat in the back, blowing bubbles and waiting for the show to start.
This is the ever-darkening skyline beforehand:

And as if you've never seen fireworks before, I will now post gratuitous, poor-quality shots of every single blast that we saw, because hey, I'm cool like that. I was fiddling with my camera the WHOLE time and trying to get the setting that produced the best shots. Finally I just put it away and enjoyed the show though.



I love these sparkly ones that trail down like a willow tree.

Big Finale!

And thank God for the Jeep again, because the *instant* the show was over it was GRIDLOCK in a pasture. The Jeep is consistent, steady, and never gives me a moment of fright. Other drivers, on the other hand....but we made it out. The girls had a great time. And I'm asking myself right now why I didn't take any pics of THEM? Duh. I won't make that mistake again, they are, after all, the stars of the show. :) Love you guys, hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!!
How did I ever let you slip away.
I feel blessed and I am more than ready to start sharing pictures and just some little notes.
You have two beautiful daughters, now that I have this blog link I really look forward to watching them grow.
This is one of the websites I post my pictures in.
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