And a sneak peak at what the Bambino looks like this week in utero, thanks to BabyCenter. The girls have LOVED seeing these pictures each week - it has really helped them understand that there is, in fact, a baby growing in there and not just a big ol' belly!
Less than 4 weeks to go! Nursery is almost completely done, we just need some odds and ends like a diaper pail and a changing pad. They had a baby shower for us at church the other night and I will be getting those things soon thanks to a bunch of gift cards from our sweet, generous small group. It really feels real, and also not real at the same time. At this point, with the nursery done, the baby shower behind us, and me smuggling a watermelon everywhere I go, you would think it would have sunk in that we are adding a new daughter to our family in less than a month - but it hasn't!! I don't think it's really going to sink in until she is in my arms. :) And after that, I can say that a few days of 3am feedings will *definitely* hammer the point home!! I can't wait to meet her. We are still settling on a name so please pray for us - hearing from God and having some peace about it would help! But it might be that we have to see her little face in the hospital before we make the final call!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Nursery pics!!
Okay, this has been a real work-in-progress for quite a while now. But it was a nice rainy day on Saturday and I was all caught up on cakes, so I spent the whole day in the former guest room getting the crib put together and hanging up the cute little stuff we got to go on the walls. I really love how it turned out. ♥♥♥
First, the BEFORE shot:
this was what our guest room looked like before we knew that the baby was on the way:
My Superhero hubby offered to do a total room makeover for me, because he is the BEST. And he followed thru right away!! This is the result!!
I think it is TOO CUTE for words. Jesse hung the chair rail so we could paint it 2 different colors, and we chose a really light green and pink from the bedding set. He even painted the whole thing because the paint warned that pregnant women should stay away from it (!!) So lucky me, I got to sit back and watch the magic unfold. (All I did was run some painters tape for him.)

We got a different kind of crib - the last one had a side rail that went up and down. I noticed that a lot of the time I would wake up the sleeping baby by putting the side rail this one doesn't move. Isn't it pretty?

And here is the dresser which will double as a changing table when I get a changing pad to put on it. I'm hoping this furniture will hold her until she is well into grade school.
Here's a close-up of the quilt, because I think it is so stinkin' adorable. I even used the same clips that held up the comforter in the girls room (which, by the way, I saved for some reason?) I was wondering this week why I held on to it, probably the same reason I love this one so much - it just reminds me of the girls when they were babies now and I hated to get rid of it. But it turned out to be great because those little star-shaped comforter clips matched the previous quilt perfectly, and what do you know, they are perfect for this one too. :)

And finally we have the wall art above the dresser. These were a challenge to hang because the picture holders on the back of them were not at the same level on each side! So I had to make my holes in the wall correspondingly crooked, which made smoke come out of my ears. But I love the way they go with the Princess & Frog / Fairy Tale themed bedding.
Now I just want to go sit in there and soak up the cuteness!! It is by far the girliest room I've ever put together, and I love that Jesse loves it too. It is really only missing one important thing now:
And she will be here in less than 5 weeks. Can you believe it? I certainly can't. She definitely has an adorable room waiting for her. :)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Resident Superhero
Did you guys know I married a superhero? He really, really is. Easily the most capable and talented man I have ever met, and always willing to tackle the meanest, hairyest villian on the block. ♥
Our story begins with your typical disaster in need of a Superman. The washing machine started pouring water out the bottom every time we started it. Jesse lifted it up and looked under it - but couldn't find the leak. We were saying it would be silly to spend $150 on a visit from the repair man when we could just go buy a new washing machine for a little more. Since we had basically decided we were going to just get a new one, Jesse said, "I may as well take it apart and see if I can fix it."
And he did. Took it completely apart. At this point I thought he was mostly just exploring how the thing was put together and it was going to end up at the dump. But then he ripped open his shirt revealing the blue and red emblem...
Just kidding. But then he found the leaking part. And it was 4:30 in the afternoon, but he went to the computer, Googled 'Whirlpool parts', found a dealer IN OUR TOWN (who was still open for an hour!!), drove down there and got the part for $40.
And then he replaced the part. Pretty amazing in and of itself, because if we had called a repair guy we would have had to order the part, paid twice as much for it and then waited a week or two for it to come in. (With no clothes washing going on in the meantime, I might add.) This is when it gets handy to have a super hero in the house. Not only did he get the new part installed and working...he put the whole machine back together. The SAME DAY he took it apart. Perfectly, exactly the way it was, but with one exception - it doesn't pour water on the floor every time you turn it on anymore.
We've been using it for a week, and it is perfect. I am so impressed that he was able to tackle this task (something he'd never done before) and totally nail it. He saved us a huge repair bill, (and a long wait with no washer) or a huge bill for a new machine. My hero. ♥
One little detail I forgot to mention - see the brown ring around the top of the wash basin? That is DOG HAIR. Shows you how much I wash the dog's bedding - but G-R-O-S-S!!!! Jesse was also able to clean all that out, so it is like he cleaned and serviced the machine while he was at it. He cleaned out some kind of weird build up in the hot water line too. It is like having a brand new washing machine.
So go ahead and comment on what a lucky girl I am to be married to the most capable and super guy around. Because I know you're thinking it. :)
Our story begins with your typical disaster in need of a Superman. The washing machine started pouring water out the bottom every time we started it. Jesse lifted it up and looked under it - but couldn't find the leak. We were saying it would be silly to spend $150 on a visit from the repair man when we could just go buy a new washing machine for a little more. Since we had basically decided we were going to just get a new one, Jesse said, "I may as well take it apart and see if I can fix it."
And he did. Took it completely apart. At this point I thought he was mostly just exploring how the thing was put together and it was going to end up at the dump. But then he ripped open his shirt revealing the blue and red emblem...
Just kidding. But then he found the leaking part. And it was 4:30 in the afternoon, but he went to the computer, Googled 'Whirlpool parts', found a dealer IN OUR TOWN (who was still open for an hour!!), drove down there and got the part for $40.
And then he replaced the part. Pretty amazing in and of itself, because if we had called a repair guy we would have had to order the part, paid twice as much for it and then waited a week or two for it to come in. (With no clothes washing going on in the meantime, I might add.) This is when it gets handy to have a super hero in the house. Not only did he get the new part installed and working...he put the whole machine back together. The SAME DAY he took it apart. Perfectly, exactly the way it was, but with one exception - it doesn't pour water on the floor every time you turn it on anymore.
We've been using it for a week, and it is perfect. I am so impressed that he was able to tackle this task (something he'd never done before) and totally nail it. He saved us a huge repair bill, (and a long wait with no washer) or a huge bill for a new machine. My hero. ♥
One little detail I forgot to mention - see the brown ring around the top of the wash basin? That is DOG HAIR. Shows you how much I wash the dog's bedding - but G-R-O-S-S!!!! Jesse was also able to clean all that out, so it is like he cleaned and serviced the machine while he was at it. He cleaned out some kind of weird build up in the hot water line too. It is like having a brand new washing machine.
So go ahead and comment on what a lucky girl I am to be married to the most capable and super guy around. Because I know you're thinking it. :)
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