All right folks, as many of you know, I am up to my eyeballs with school, the
baby shower gifts business, and two little girls. And one enormous dog. I know you are a sweet bunch of people, but the truth is you don't really want to see pictures of
diaper cakes, but pictures of the girls. Right? And I have really dropped the ball lately! So here you go, our entire Summer in ten pictures or less!! I know you are in no danger of forgetting where to go if you need an adorable and
unique baby shower gift, right? Good. Just checking.

We re-did the pond, and Jesse put in some new landscaping to cover the barren wasteland that was up against the rock garden. The people who owned the house before us had let the leaves pile up for years, and they had smothered the grass. Looks much better in person, I had a hard time finding a good spot to stand in to get a picture without a hickory tree right in the middle of it.

Look at BabyBug's face. Priceless.Every time I photograph a new diaper cake, Baby Bug appears almost instantaneously on the scene, conveniently dressed up like a princess, and wants her picture taken too. In about 90% of the pictures on the website, there is a tiny princess lurking just barely off-camera, and I can't tell you how many diaper cake pictures I've had to delete because the tiny princess pirouetted through the picture.

Matching outfits, courtesy of Grammy. I took about a dozen pictures, and I'm tempted to post them all, so you can all laugh at the faces the girls made while I tried everything to convince them to stand still and say cheese. They were having none of it, but I did the best I could!
they look adorable, wow...rooney looks exactly like rozy at that age... blow me away...and natalie in her "princess costume" is priceless. i need grammie "hugs",
i just want to sgueeze em'...
didn't realize all the pics were together....the landscaping looks great...your hard work really shows.the beach pics are wonderful.and that h2o slide is HUGE....that is definitely a complete day of fun...that will wear the kids out...going up and down... keep those pics coming leah...great job...i lov seeing them...thank you...wxyzluuf
what CUTE girls! I love that your daughter likes to come in and steal the scene from the cakes. :)
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